Saturday, November 29, 2008

How To Increase Website Traffic ?

How To Increase Website Traffic ?

Looking to increase website traffic ?

If you've been active in Internet Marketing or have owned a Website for more than a couple of weeks ... You already know how important Website Traffic is !

The problem is, there are so many different ways to get Website Traffic, it's difficult to know which course to take.

1. ) You could just buy "Pay-Per-Click" ( PPC ) Advertising as this can be done rather quickly and generates traffic right away. The problem is ... This traffic doesn't come cheap, and if you haven't thoroughly studied this form of traffic already, you're liable to spend your ad budget faster than you can say, "Lickety-Split !"

The other problem is ... you need to stay in this game long enough to find out which keywords are actually bringing sales and which ones are merely bringing "lookey-loo" type visitors which weren't planning on buying anything in the first place.

2. ) You could spend your time learning "Search Engine Optimization" ( SEO ) but the learning curve on this is pretty sizeable and while the rewards are certainly worthwhile, they're slow in coming.

It typically takes 30-90 days ( at minimum ) to really see any dramatic improvement in traffic from pure SEO techniques.

3. ) You could get yourself involved in "Black-Hat" techniques which generate a quick surge of traffic by trying to fake out the Search Engines, but beware ...! As soon as the Search Engines catch on, and they will, you'll be penalized and possibly even de-listed.

That's right, you could find that your site has been removed from the Search Engine's index and therefore, can never be found unless someone actually types your website's URL directly in their browser!

To Your Success

Wingcent Ning
Success-Biz Marketing

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