Friday, December 5, 2008

What Drives Our Actions ?

What Drives Our Actions ?

So, what really drives our actions ? What makes us behave the way we behave ? Why are there some people in life who are so consistently motivated to get up at six a.m., go for a jog, come back, plan their time and make good decisions and produce results ?

But, why do most people, on the other hand, hardly get anything done ? They talk a lot, they talk about dreams, but they find it very hard to drag themselves back home at the end of the day, you know much less plan for the next few days ahead.

Do you think that our behaviors are driven more by logic or by emotions ? It is based on what we think we should do or what we really feel like doing inside ?

Think of all the times you knew that you should have started on the project but putting it off again and again because, you know what, you did not feel like doing it.

Think of all the times when you knew you should have made those appointments or to make that presentation. But, you never did because you felt this feeling of procrastination, lack of confidence, or even fear.

Now, think of all the times when you knew that logically you should not have taken that extra piece of cake, but you did because you felt compulsion. Or even think of the time you knew you should have said the important point at the presentation but you did not because you just felt too distraction or just too nervous.

Indeed, you can see that the way we act and behave is driven maybe by how we feel emotionally. That is why you can logically want to change and take action. But, you never will if your emotion does not support it.

Emotions you feel at any given time, they are called your states and they drive your action and your results.

Take charge of your states and you take charge of your life !

Thanks for reading ! If you know someone who could benefit from this, feel free to forward it to them !

To Your Success

Wingcent Ning
Success-Biz Marketing

P.S. : To find out more the Patterns Of Excellence and how you can use Neuro-Linguistic Programming to take charge of your life, visit Patterns Of Excellence now.

Not What We Expect, But What We Are Willing To Accept In Life That Matters

Not What We Expect, But What We Are Willing To Accept In Life That Matters

All of us have got dreams we aspire to attain in our lives. These dreams come from people who inspire us. We may dream of making $20,000 a month, owning a luxury car and living in a million dollar mansion. At the same time, based on our beliefs, we also have what i call a 'level of acceptance'.

This 'level of acceptance' means that though you may aspire to earn $20,000 a month, you are willing to accept earning $3000 a month.

Although you would love to live in a million dollar house, you are quite willing to settle for a small apartment, Although you would love to be at an ideal weight of 65kg, you are willing to live life at 75kg.

You may set a goal to earn $20,000 but if you are willing to accept earning $3000, then $3000 is what you are going to end up getting. Why ? Because the $3000 level of acceptance is what we make a 'must' for ourselves.

We will not allow ourselves to earn below that level of what we believe is our minimum. This is our tolerance level. The moment we think we are going to go below our acceptance level, our mind hits panic mode and we will do whatever it takes to get above that. Again, when we are committed to do whatever it takes, we will get it.

People who make $20,000 a month do so because to them, that is their level of acceptance. That is what they believe they are worth. They will not accept anything less. They will never accept $5000 or even $10,000 a month. They will do whatever it takes to get the level they believe they deserve.

You Must Raise your Acceptance Levels

Unless we raise our acceptance levels, we will never do what is necessary to achieve our goals. So if you want to make more money, you have to raise your standards of what you are willing to accept.

Be very honest with yourself, what is your current level of expectation and level of acceptance in the different areas of your life ? Invest the time to reflect and to write down your thoughts.

If you want success to become your reality, make it so that you will never settle for anything less. Raise your level of acceptance to the level of your goals and you can't help but become successful.

Thanks for reading ! If you know someone who could benefit from this, feel free to forward it to them !

To Your Success

Wingcent Ning
Success-Biz Marketing

P.S. : Discover These Easy Habits That Only The TOP 1% Of Individuals In The World Use To Become Extremely Rich, Successful, And Happy In Life. Check out here ...

How You Can Apply NLP Today !

How You Can Apply NLP Today !

NLP first came about when these two gentlemen, Dr. Richard Bandler and Dr. John Grinder, decided to model people who were excellent in creating change in others.

More specifically, they wanted to model linguistic experts who could change people through speaking, through their words and therapies.

Through all their surveys and all their research, they found three people. One of them was a person called Milton Erickson who was a clinical therapist who had the ability to create changes in people when many other therapists failed.

The other person they went forth and modeled was this person called Virginia Satir, She was known as the mother of family therapy. Couples who were not successful going through all kind of therapies would go to Satir.

Through her use of language and the way in which she talks to people ; the way she processes information, she created results that many therapists were unable to produce.

The third person they went forth to model was this person called Fritz Pearls who was a gestalt therapist.

Now take note that these three masters of communication, FritzPearls, Milton Erickson, and Virginia Satir, were masters of change but it took them many years in honing their craft and many of them did not even know how they did it consciously, they were just good at it.

So by modeling this three people, Richard Bandler and John Grinder created the first set of NLP on the Milton Model and the Meta Model. And when they taught this to people who didn't necessary have twenty thirty years of therapeutic experience, guess what, they were able to produce similar results as these three people could.

Since NLP was created, this science has soon found its way into different forms of application.

The first example is sales. If you found someone who is an extremely good sales person, someone who has taken many years to perfect his sales strategy, there would certainly be a difference in the way he speaks, the way he looks, the way he presents his product.

By modeling him, you can be able to produce similar results to what he has been achieving.

Similarly, if you found someone who may have been a fantastic teacher, someone who is able to build great rapport with students, someone who is able to get through to them, change their mindset and motivate these students to study, could you go this teacher who has twenty years of experiences ; model her strategy and produce the same result ?

The answer is yes !

NLP can be also be applied by students wanting to achieve excellent results.

By modeling students who are extremely good in the different areas of study such as mathematics, science or humanities, one can begin to produce the same results in a short period of time by modeling the successful student who has been consistent in producing the excellent results.

Think about it, anyone who succeeds in their life and produces exceptional results in whatever area they are in ; all of them exhibit certain general patterns. In other words, there is always a strategy to success that we can model from people who are extremely successful in the particular skill set or area they are in.

NLP is a powerful form of science that everyone should be introduced to. By modeling a person's patterns of excellence, and by installing them within yourself as well as running the same program into your brain, you will be able to produce the same excellent results.

Get started today, find out more about the power of NLP today !

Thanks for reading ! If you know someone who could benefit from this, feel free to forward it to them !

To Your Success

Wingcent Ning
Success-Biz Marketing

P.S. : To find out more the Patterns Of Excellence and how you can use Neuro-Linguistic Programming to take charge of your life, visit Patterns Of Excellence now.