Sunday, December 7, 2008

Is Your Corporate Job Using You Up ?

Is Your Corporate Job Using You Up ?

Do you dread getting up to face another day at work ? You're not alone. In fact, you may well be in the majority. Corporate burnout is becoming so widespread throughout the US and other countries that people travel the country giving seminars on how to handle job burnout and make workers feel less stressed. Of course, you've probably heard the drill -"Learn to work smarter, not harder"... "Be a team player"... "It came down from the higher-ups"... "In the end this will help us reach our goals and we'll get fat bonuses."

Of course, the goals set for many corporate employees are so unrealistic that the bonuses they hold out for never materialize. Perhaps you hit 8 out of 9 targets, but sorry, you don't get the prize because you didn't hit that last, totally impossible ninth one. Sometimes it feels like you're working in some sort of absurd carnival sideshow. It's no wonder you don't feel very committed to a corporation that treats you like a slave. How can you feel loyal when there's so little appreciation ?


The unrelenting stress of a high-pressure job can lead to numerous health problems as well- hypertension, heart attacks, backaches, anxiety, headaches, depression, and even addiction to drugs or alcohol, either as a way to try to stay energized and "up" to complete excessive workloads, or as a self-medicating attempt to relax when you finally have some time for yourself.

To add to the stress, stories of layoffs by major corporations are announced every month.

In 2006, 1,500,000 workers were pink-slipped in mass layoffs ( "mass" meaning more than 50 employees at a time ). Rumors circulate constantly about what the top management is doing now, what changes are in the wind. Companies are "reorganizing." They're "outsourcing" or selling out to another company. Or they've gone bankrupt-only to reappear overseas, employing workers for a tiny percentage of their American counterparts' salaries.

Fat Cats and Sad Sacks

Average, everyday workers like you are the ones who bear the brunt of these kinds of changes. CEO's and other top executives just keep rolling in the dough-even those at companies you wouldn't think of as "blue chip." For example, in 2005, the annual pay package of Dollar General's CEO, David Perdue, was $3,314,901 ( as reported by The Corporate Library ).

An American worker earning an average salary would have to work until the year 2135 to make what Perdue makes in one year. But frankly, this guy is small-time. The average total compensation for a CEO of a Standard & Poor's 500 company in 2005 was $13.51 million-over four times what Perdue made, and a 16% raise over the year before. Did you get a 16% raise recently ?

Like many of your co-workers, you probably feel angry, undervalued, underpaid, and exhausted when you think about stories like these. Few salaried employees in corporate America work a traditional 40-hour week. Many put in 50, 60, even 70 hours to meet the demands of their superiors. Hourly workers are cut off at 40 hours or less so the company can avoid paying overtime-and you know who takes up the slack. ( Meanwhile, those hourly workers may have to work an additional job-at straight-time pay, of course. )

The "blame culture" that has developed in our society extends into the corporate world as well. ("It's her fault we have to work so late. If only she'd do her job like I do !") Feelings of competition and worries about favoritism increase feelings of anger and powerlessness.

What's the Alternative ?

There is a way NOT to let all these other people control your life and hold power over your economic survival and lifestyle. You can take control of your own life by becoming your own boss. Ironically, as you've become more and more disenchanted with your corporate job, you have also been learning what kind of job you need to be happy.

Are these some of the aspects you would include on your list of ideal job conditions ?

** The freedom to set your own hours.
** Choosing how to handle situations yourself instead of deferring to a "company policy" that you find ridiculous.
** The liberty to spend time with your friends and family without having to beg for time off.
** Working in comfortable clothing in a location you choose.
** Excellent pay that is determined by the amount of work you put in.
** You're steering your own course-no worries about someone else determining your future.

Have You Got What it Takes ?

You already know you deserve more than your corporate employer will ever provide. Ironically, during all those excessive hours of work for them, you've honed valuable business skills that you can put to work as you build your own business. The difference is, you will reap the rewards. It's kind of like being your very own CEO.

As long as you have a genuine desire to empower yourself, to live the kind of life you've always dreamed of.

To Your Success

Wingcent Ning
Success-Biz Marketing

What Qualities Are the True Tokens of Successful Entrepreneurs ?

What Qualities Are the True Tokens of Successful Entrepreneurs ?

You've probably seen the bumper stickers that say "Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way." While the bumper sticker may be directed at the dreamer doing 10 miles less than the speed limit in the left lane, it also applies to everyone's life. Most people are followers, but others are leaders.

They want to be at the helm of their own ship, charting the course that their lives will take.

They are most likely ENTREPRENEURS - people who have what it takes to start and succeed at their own businesses.

What qualities are the true tokens of successful entrepreneurs ?

Thousands of books and articles have been written on the subject. There is even a Chicken Soup for the Entrepreneur's Soul and an annual event called "Entrepalooza" at the University of Michigan, where successful business owners relate their secrets. It turns out, though, that just about everyone who takes on the challenge of owning their own business has certain qualities.

1. ) They have a Dream

It can be anything from wanting to make a living from a hobby to wanting to find a way to spend more time with their families. Along with their dreams comes the foresight to see a need for something or a problem that needs solving, and finding a way to supply that need or solve that problem. Instead of saying, "Someone will probably invent a way to make a profit from that," the entrepreneur says, "I'M going to be the one who finds a way to make a profit from that."

2. ) They visualize Success

Lots of us have thoughts and ideas of how we'd like our lives to change. We say, "If only I could find a decent job," or "If only I could lose 20 pounds." Entrepreneurs don't just think about it. They see it. They spend a great deal of time "seeing success." If the goal is to spend more time with family, the entrepreneur sees himself or herself working at home, hears one of the children say "Mom, I'm so glad you don't go away to work anymore," and feels what reaching the goal is like.

This "positive thinking" technique has been around for a long time-and it still works. It helps create faith in yourself, and that is a prerequisite for anyone even thinking about starting a business. They never stop using this visualization process : It keeps goals shining brightly, and for the entrepreneur, there are always new goals to reach for.

3. ) They're good Listeners and Observers

Aki Morita, who founded Sony, got the idea for the infamous Sony Walkman when he got tired of listening to teenagers blasting music from their boom-boxes. He knew he wasn't the only one bothered by the noise. By listening to what people are saying and observing what they're doing ( or not doing ), the entrepreneur identifies what people want. Lots of people.

They also listen to advice. While it's great to have people cheering you on, entrepreneurs find a wealth of knowledge in the doom-and-gloomers. They present the possible downsides, providing the business owner with some new ideas to think about as they develop their business plan. They read books and listen to motivational CDs. They stay psyched up for success by learning new skills and staying on top of technology.

4. ) They're good Organizers

Once a new entrepreneur develops an idea and begins visualizing a goal, he or she makes a plan. They know they can't just plunge in and hope for the best. They do research, find out what others in similar businesses are doing, and find mentors who can help them figure out what steps they need to take to begin reaching for their goals and dreams. They find out how much money they need, what kind of equipment is essential, and if they will need to hire people or can go it alone. Ultimately, they consider all of the information and advice they've gathered and make their own decisions, taking the best ideas from each source.

5. ) They're Focused

Once the course is charted, the work begins. There will be phone calls, e-mails, and paperwork. There will be days when nothing goes right, and when obstacles seem insurmountable. But because entrepreneurs are, above all, problem solvers who love a challenge, they have the courage and perseverance to keep going. They bounce back from failure like super-balls hitting the sidewalk. They keep their organizational plans in mind, and keep striving to achieve each step, one at a time.

6. ) They don't believe Failure is an Option

To be successful in your own business, you must believe 100% that you will succeed at what you are doing. You must have faith in your own ability to make things happen. You must believe that your idea is really a good one that will help other people or make the world better in some way. Sometimes, it simply takes guts-like the quarterback who decides to run the ball and, against all odds, scrambles over the pileup and scores a touchdown.

7. ) They have Self-Discipline

Running your own business doesn't mean that you can mosey down to your home office at 10 AM, go to lunch at noon, and take the afternoon off. Just like at a regular job, entrepreneurs work hard. In fact, many put in more hours and work harder than they did when they were someone's employee.

But it's easier to put in the extra hour or two when you have a passion for what you are doing, a roadmap for where you're going, and the confidence that you will achieve success.

To Your Success

Wingcent Ning
Success-Biz Marketing

Stay-At-Home Mom ?

Stay-At-Home Mom ?

Your Mom stays at home ?

Oh, so she doesn't work ?

First, let's make something clear. ALL moms are work-at-home moms. Cooking, grocery shopping, cleaning and laundry might not be highly respected occupations, but unless you've got one of those super-husbands who considers these tasks his responsibility as much as yours, the chances are that you're taking on most of those tasks yourself.

This seems to be just as true for moms who have worked all day at an outside job and maybe started and ended the day with a long commute.

The Decision to Stay at Home

All this was difficult enough before you became a parent. Then, pure exhaustion set in. When you realized that you didn't want just quality time with your children, but quantity time as well, you made the tough decision : You became a stay-at-home mom. You decided it was best for your family for you to be the one who raises your children-not a babysitter or the staff at a daycare center.

No matter how child-friendly they seemed, you always felt that no one else can care for your children as well as you. Best of all, now you don't have that distressing guilt and worry that bothered you ten hours a day or more.

The first thing you probably noticed is a serious cut in income. But then, you aren't spending as much on gas or lunches out or expensive clothes for work. You're really more comfortable in jeans and tees ( and they're much more practical anyway ). And you realize the kids don't care one way or another if they're wearing designer clothes. You can economize on food now because you're at home to cook nutritious meals instead of picking up fast food or a pizza on the way home.

And there are so many great payoffs ! You're there to cheer Emily on when she takes her first steps and says her first word. You never have to miss a school program or a soccer game. Now you can take Madison to ballet and Jacob to his karate class. You're there to wipe away tears and answer those important questions that come up out of the blue-and you've got the energy to really play with your little ones.

There Seems to be Something Missing

You're aware of a troubling emptiness that used to be filled with the thrill of accomplishment that you took from your old job. You miss working with professionals to meet challenges, find solutions, and celebrate success. You miss the feeling of financial freedom you got from having your own paycheck and your own 401K. And you're getting a little tired of living frugally. It would be nice to be able to add something to the family income, but you really don't want to leave your kids !

There Is a Solution

Every day, millions of people search online for legitimate work-at-home opportunities. Thanks to the information age and the availability of jobs not just in the US but all over the world, home-based entrepreneurs have found that they don't have to choose between family and professional fulfillment. It is estimated that over one-third of families with children 18 or younger have at least one parent working in a home-based business. The Internet offers hundreds of different opportunities to be an at-home entrepreneur.

As long as you have the desire to succeed and the willingness to learn, you can soon be enjoying the freedom of being your own boss, the return of that productive, professional feeling, and the flexibility to enjoy your family.

All genuine work-at-home opportunities provide you with the tools and expert guidance you'll need to get started in your own business.

The possibilities are endless !

Online Co-Workers
Look around, and you'll be pleased to find an interesting online community of people just like you who have found a way to continue using the skills they acquired on the job without ever leaving home. They like to joke that their commute takes 30 seconds-the time it takes to walk from the kitchen to their computer in their pajamas, with that second cup of home-brewed coffee fixed just the way they like it. While they work, they're free to snuggle with babies, keep an eye on a toddler, or get dinner started.

These stay-at-home moms are free of the hassles of a corporate job away from home, yet they have recovered the self-esteem that comes from being intellectually and financially productive entrepreneurs. Who could ask for more ?

The Next Step Is Up to You

Determine the path that is right for you.

To Your Success

Wingcent Ning
Success-Biz Marketing

Will You Ever Be Able to Retire ?

Will You Ever Be Able to Retire ?

Back in the Day ... Twenty-somethings often refer to their parents’ youthful years as “back in the day” - and little do they realize how much things have changed since then - economically, socially, and politically. These changes impact every American, but they are especially relevant to those beginning to think about target retirement dates and whether they have saved enough.

“Back in the day” people worked long enough at one job that they drew adequate pensions in retirement. The luckiest ( or most visionary ) ones are the “triple dippers” who collect a civil service or military pension, a pension from years of working for a private company, and social security.

While triple-dipping is an enviable way to fund retirement, at least one dip of the trio is quickly disappearing : the company pension. Only about 40% of the baby boom generation, just now beginning to retire, will have any sort of pension, and the life-long health insurance benefits that were once part of nearly every retirement package are for the most part a thing of the past.

The 401K plans came along in US. With participating employers contributing some matching funds, employees who participate defer taxes on part of their income and get a literal pay raise from the funds match. Once again, it sounds like a great idea : So why are economists worried that America is facing a retirement crisis ?

To begin with, only a little over half of employees who are offered a 401K plan actually participate. Some cash out their plans when they leave, often because they need the money for living expenses while they look for another job, or they want to pay ahead on debts they know they can’t handle if they aren’t working.

While some of the non-participants have IRA accounts or other individual savings plans, an alarming 31% of workers 40 or older admit that they have not saved anything at all for retirement, according to a recent AARP Bulletin poll. The same poll revealed that 28% of those who had already retired had saved nothing ! Like almost 60 percent of current retirees, Social Security is their major source of income.

“But I still have my pension ... right ?”

Wrong. Many companies have converted pension funds into 401Ks, expecting employees who know little about the stock market to figure out how to invest for their futures. Some companies simply fund 401Ks with 100% company stock. Where does that leave the employee if the company goes bankrupt - as Enron did, leaving thousands of employees out of work and with shares of company stock once valued at $80 worth less than a dollar ?

Where Do You Stand ?

If you participate in an IRA or 401K, by all means keep doing so. Don’t take out any “loans” on them. And remember that according to the fed’s own web site, you should expect Social Security to replace only about 40% of the income you will need in retirement. The average couple on social security receives about $20,000 annually from the government. According to Bloomberg’s retirement calculator, this couple needs an investment portfolio of an estimated $500,000 to make up the other 60% they need ( $30,000 ) to bring them up to a retirement income of $50,000 a year.

Maybe this doesn’t worry you. Perhaps you are right on target. Congratulations ! You’re in the fortunate minority.

But -- more than half of all workers who are over 55 have saved less than $50,000. That amount is almost insignificant. It will generate only about $3000 a year - and that’s assuming a 6% return and no unexpected nose-dives in the economy.

How did people get into this fix ?

There are plenty of reasons. For one thing, real wages have remained stagnant since the mid-1970s, meaning that despite very hard work, many have needed every penny just to get by. Poor spending habits - the desire to have it all and have it now - have led others down the road to debilitating debt. 401Ks and IRAs are accessible ( although you pay taxes and a penalty). People borrow to pay for college and medical expenses, and somehow the money never gets paid back to the retirement fund.

Is retirement security a luxury you can’t afford ?

With an uncertain economy, skyrocketing healthcare and energy costs, and little help from employers, retirement may seem like an impossibility to you.

This happens to most countries in this world.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

We are living longer and longer. Must we spend our retirement years filled with anxiety about outliving our money ? Will we just have to keep working forever ?

It doesn’t have to be that way.

Even if you are approaching retirement age with little in the way of savings, there is still time to make up for the shortfall, relax, and enjoy the rest of your life.

It’s all in your hands. But you must be willing to take control of your finances and turn your life around.

As we said at the beginning of this article, the responsibility for retirement income is yours now. The government will help you out a little bit, but you need to find a way to earn about 60% of what you will need.

There IS a way.

Even if you must stay home to take care of an ailing spouse or aged parent, there IS a way. There is a business you can run from your home, your RV, your vacation cottage, even a lounge chair on a sunny beach. Technological advances in the past few decades have made it all possible, and it’s working incredibly well for thousands of people. To establish a viable business that will produce income now and for years to come, all you need is an Internet connection and a telephone. Skilled professionals who took back their lives will be happy to teach you the simple secrets of their success.

Why haven’t you heard about this before ? If you had, you’d be ahead of the game. But the important thing is that you know about it now, and the sooner you act, the sooner you can begin to free yourself from anxiety about how to finance your retirement. In fact, you can look forward to enjoying the rest of your life as you live out your best years in the security of ever-increasing wealth.

To Your Success

Wingcent Ning
Success-Biz Marketing

The Benefits of Social Marketing

The Benefits of Social Marketing

Joining a series of social networking websites may seem like a tedious task, especially if you aren’t a very social person, but results you gain are going to prove themselves to be well worth the effort. I was never a huge fan of social marketing, but I quickly found that social networking sites gave me the opportunity to have a little bit of fun while working on my marketing campaigns. Social Marketing may just be the break you need from your regular daily routine !

If you’re still questioning whether or not social marketing is worth your time, take a few minutes to check out some of the main benefits.

Social networking sites allow you to target niche groups. Most social networking sites have groups or filters that allow you to separate your contacts or make new ones based on their interests. This is great because you are guaranteeing that your messages will be seen by an audience that is already somewhat interested in what you have to say. I found one of the hardest parts of marketing was finding people who were really interested in my niche. Social marketing saves me the trouble of filtering those who aren’t really interested.

Social Marketing costs less than traditional advertising methods. Social Marketing may take a little more time and effort, but it costs much less than a pay per click ( PPC ) advertising campaign and can often be more effective. If you pay for a pay per click advertising
campaign, you have to worry about paying for clicks regardless of whether or not they result in a sale. The links you post on social networking sites won’t cost you anything more than time.

Social Marketing doesn’t require a ton of skill. While it helps to have a little bit of marketing background, you do not have to be a lifetime student of marketing or SEO in order to launch an effective social marketing campaign. As long as you can communicate in clear, grammatically correct English, you’ll find yourself more than half way home. You can focus more on the knowledge you need to have regarding your niche and less on difficult technical skills.

Social Marketing helps with SEO. Even though you don’t have to know a lot about SEO to launch a social marketing campaign, a little bit of knowledge will be helpful. Every single time you place a link to your website on another website you are creating an inbound link. Inbound links are critical to SEO, as they prove to the search engines that your website is useful and popular, thus increasing your page rank.

When I first started my online career, i was hesitant to use social networking sites as part of my marketing strategy. I thought they were simply websites where people gathered to collect friends and swap photographs. Once I learned how to effectively use these sites, I was pleasantly surprised to see the impact social marketing had on my ability to generate web traffic. I truly believe you’ll be just as amazed as I was.

To Your Success

Wingcent Ning
Success-Biz Marketing

Get Start in Social Marketing

Get Start in Social Marketing

Have you ever gotten an e-mail from a friend or colleague asking you to join but didn't know what it was or why they were asking you to join ?

Did you know that Facebook and MySpace are more than just websites that high school and college kids spend their time on ?

Are you looking for new ways to find clients and customers, improve your brand name, and get more referrals for ZERO cost ?

Welcome to the world of Social Networking.

Today more than ever, consumers trust referrals from friends more than they trust advertising. In this case, friends are those they've met and built a "relationship"with using social networking.

Most business owners have heard of these sites and know they should be doing something, but many just don't know what to do, which social sites to join and how to start.

A social marketing strategy is an integrated mixture of various tools, components and tips. The good use of this mixture will help you configure a successful marketing plan that will go a long way in effectively and advantageously promoting your products and services.

1. ) Learning the Ropes

It's important that you learn all the rules of social marketing. If not all, enough to keep you going in the hunt ! Make sure that you know the ins and outs of the social networking sites and their workings. More importantly you must also learn how to use a collection of social networking sites together. This will help you configure an effective strategy.

2. ) Network Participation

This is an important social marketing strategy tip that you have to keep in mind. In order to become a part of social marketing network, you must first become a part of it. It's important to get involved and not just have fly on the wall approach. Trust and relationship is only established through interaction and hence network participation is of great importance.

3. ) Reviewing the Competition

This is another social marketing strategy tip that needs to be followed. You must continuously keep a watch on your competition and it's important to note that many a times this competition will also be a part of your social marketing network. Therefore, this is something that you must do also.

Try becoming an integral part of the social marketing network of your competitors. In a business it's important to understand your competition better, in order to steal a march over them.

To Your Success

Wingcent Ning
Success-Biz Marketing

Success on Article Marketing – Part 5 of 5

Success on Article Marketing – Part 5 of 5

In part five, the last in this series, lets share some resources and tools to help make your Article Marketing efforts more productive. I’ve found Article Marketing to be hugely successful, but it can also be exhausting without the right tools.

Here are 3 tools/resources to make Article Marketing easier :

1. ) MarketLeap – One of the big benefits to writing and submitting articles is the huge influx of “one-way backlinks” you’ll enjoy as a result. In order to track your effectiveness, you need an easy way to check your progress and offers this. Once on their site, click the “Link Popularity” link and enter your site’s URL. Marketleap will tell you how many links it found in Google, Yahoo and MSN.

2. ) NoteTab -- Note Tab is a free text-editor that is easy to use and extremely handy for Article Marketers. After creating your article in a word processor, paste it into Note Tab and let it remove the unnecessary formatting and force your articles to be 60 characters in length. This is fast and easy to do and will score you big points with Article Directory Editors.

3. ) InstantArticleWizard – If you have difficulty writing articles, check out Instant Article Wizard software. It crawls the web and returns you short paragraphs from a variety of websites that are relevant to your article topic. Armed with this information, you can rearrange the text, re-word sections in your own “voice,” and add a few new transitions and voila ... you’ve got yourself an article filled with unique content.

I hope you have found this series to be interesting and beneficial and wish you much success in your Article Marketing efforts.

To Your Article Marketing Success

Wingcent Ning
Success-Biz Marketing

Making Money On eBay

Making Money On eBay

For the last 5 years, very many people have made a lot of money selling on the auction website, known as eBay.

What started off as a venue to sell unwanted items, has quickly grown into a world-wide phenomenon, platform where would be entrepreneurs can pit their wits against an ever-growing market.

eBay has also radically transformed the way a lot of people work from home in the world and it is now estimated that as many of 180,000+ UK eBay sellers ( not include other country ) make their full-time living this way ; meaning that when you consider the amount of part-time income generators on eBay, we are talking about serious figures.

You might ask :

** What can I sell on eBay ?
** How can I sell on eBay ?

The above 2 questions would probably not have even entered your mind 5 years ago. Back then, most of the companies that started on eBay made the natural transition from selling at car boot sales, and from market stalls. They relied on their regular customers arriving at their 'pitch' 2, or 3 times a week.

Suddenly, with the arrival of eBay, these small market operators had a world-wide audience they could sell to. Better still, they never had to leave their own homes, or stand at a rain-soaked market stall 3 times a week.

Making money on eBay is now a way of life for MANY UK, US, ASIAN home workers. It has almost become a religion ; a life-line for so many frustrated people who had dreamed of one day starting their own little business.

eBay is BIG Business

Far from being small business, many eBay operators now run into turnover of millions of dollars - all online, and all from their eBay accounts.

Think about it, where else would you get such a large audience looking to buy what you have to sell ? It is a paradise for people looking to start on a shoe-string budget, and a blessing for many a company who has a serious amount of product to sell.

Business opportunities, do not come much easier than eBay, that much is certain. Ten years ago, if somebody wanted to start a serious business, they had to consider much more difficult challenges than simply switching on their Computer, and even that statement sounds a little odd today, with 85%-90% of households owning At Least a personal computer (some even two or three).

Yes, quite simply, if you are looking to start your very own business, and have not got thousands in the bank, then starting an eBay business could be the way ahead.

To Your Success

Wingcent Ning
Success-Biz Marketing

Are You Looking for Home Jobs ?

Are You Looking for Home Jobs ?

If you are looking for home jobs, then there are quite a few opportunities around for you.

These days, working from home is a lot more accessible than it used to be. You only have to look in your local paper to see that employers are actively seeking for employees who wish to work from their homes.

Many families find that this way of working suits their needs, and gives the the ultimate flexibility when it comes to juggling their lifestyle ; especially if that includes working around young children, and commitments.

Of course, there are other options when considering the prospect of working from the comfort of your own home. Looking for an employer who offers this kind of work, is just one avenue.

The alternative, is to start some kind of home business yourself, and really enjoy the flexibility and freedom this can give you. There are many business opportunities that can give you this option.

Network Marketing and Internet Marketing was those few that i might suggest. You can set it up fast and easy. You can also manage your business in your comfort from home ... anytime.

To learn more, i suggest one of the great resources i have been learning and manage my home based business, visit this site : How Network Marketing Works. This complete course might help you a lot if you are going to set up a home business ( or you are doing your home business now ).

To Your Success

Wingcent Ning
Success-Biz Marketing

How Multi-Level Marketing Works Actually ?

How Multi-Level Marketing Works Actually ?

The concept of Multi-Level Marketing, also known as MLM ( Network Marketing ), has been around for many, many years.

There has always been confusion over how MLM actually works in the business arena, and this is mainly due to a lot of companies using the wrong principles to how it was intended to be used. This has created a very negative experience in the eyes of many.

To give you an example of familiar companies who use MLM, which are now household names ( to help you understand ), you need look no further than Kleeneze and Betterware. Now, these are an examples of how MLM can, and does work - and very well.

The idea behind the concept, in it's basic format, is to generate as many people ( resellers ) as you possibly can, reselling the company's products ; and receiving a commission from each and every sale these resellers make. The more sales your 'team' make, the more money you earn as a commission.

Example :

You view the business package, and reseller plan from an MLM company. The company will have an array of products ( or services ) which are intended to be resold. Most MLM companies will expect you to sell the products yourself, and then for you to 'recruit' a 'downline' ( an army of resellers ) to sell the products for you. You then receive a 'cut' or percentage of your reseller's profits.

The advantage to the company, is that of course, they end up with many, many resellers promoting their products. The advantage to you, is that if you can create a large enough 'downline' ( army of resellers ), then you will make a certain amount of profit from their efforts.

This may sound easy. But, like any business opportunity, any success will highly depend on the amount of resellers you can 'entice' into the business opportunity, who in turn will also be expected to recruit resellers of their own - who you also make profits from.

The difficulty, and where this system breaks down ( from the resellers point of view - not the company's ), is that by having to recruit other resellers, you are actually having to find, and build a team of people who also need to have a vested interest in creating a business - not easy !

When explaining the concept of MLM, it will always sound enticing. Here are the products ; sell a few ; get a few other people to sell a few, and you will be making X amount per month. Easy - not so.

The biggest problem with MLM, is that although you may use a large amount of energy, and resources creating your downline, the majority of such a downline may not be as enthusiastic as you. Therefore, you are relying on the fact that you will ALWAYS ( nearly always, unless selling £5 notes, for 20 pence ) have to keep on recruiting, because just as quickly as you can recruit, the members of your downline will drop out, because they themselves, do not have the ability to recruit their own resellers - hence they will not make money, and drop out of the system.

What happens then, is that even if you are making a certain amount of revenue, if your downline are quitting, then unless you are a dynamo in recruiting, your income will stagnate, and eventually fall to zero - if all your downline suddenly disappeared overnight.

Another main problem with MLM, is that you are always relying on other people's business ambitions for your own success. And, if you have been in business any length of time, you will already know, that most people only 'try' to make money, rather than going after the revenue they seek, with a white - hot burning desire.

The conclusion, is that unless you are highly skilled in recruiting people to resell for you ( and very few people are ) then there are definitely more viable business opportunities for you to become involved in.

But is MLM a scam ?

What i can say is this all depends on how the company using MLM portray the opportunity. For example, in the early nineties there were very many companies who started a 'pyramid scheme', which gets confused with the concept of MLM.

Pyramid schemes nearly always involve money changing hands between members, where there is not an actual end product. For example, one particular company in the nineties offered such a scheme, whereby their members had to find other resellers, to find other resellers, to find other resellers, etc ... There was no product. If you found a reseller, the company simply paid you a certain amount of money ; say $125. To join the scheme, it cost $195.

Therefore, what you were actually doing, was trading in money, and from the company's point of view, they relied up on all resellers, finding other resellers to pay the $195 joining fee - so they could pay other resellers.

In many country, the Department of Trade and Industry ( DTI ) closed down hundreds of these companies - and rightly so, because the main problem was, that ALL resellers were relying on another reseller joining up to pay money, for no end product. That was the problem, there was NO end product - hence classed as a pyramid scheme.

Like we say, MLM, providing you research and start with the right company, it actually CAN work and it is a very good business opportunity. Although the world has moved on since those early MLM days, and there are now many, much easier ways to start a business and create a second, or even full-time income, being your own boss.

To Your Success

Wingcent Ning
Success-Biz Marketing

P.S. : I had go through this great resources on How Network Marketing Works, to learn more, visit this site here ... It might help you a lot on your MLM success.