There are many of us who know about Hostgator, a web hosting company. Even if you are new to internet marketing, you will hear a lot of it from the gurus. Whenever the gurus talk about web hosting company, Hostgator has always the name which they will talk about.
Besides the reasonable price which they put up, one feature which I like about Hostgator is that they allow to host unlimited domains.
This is one feature which I look out for when I choose web hosting plans. This is because you will not want to have too many web hosting companies to manage all your domains. It is easier to manage all your domains under one web hosting company and it is also cheaper to do it this way.
I used to sign up under another web hosting company and they will only allow me to host 3 domains. This is unbelievably little domains. Also, this plan is not cheap either. In fact, Hostgator is offering cheaper plans but better services than this company.
Besides the ability to host more domains, I really like Hostgator’s 24 hours Live Support. Whenever you click on the button to ask for help from their people, there is always a person there to answer all your queries. They know their facts well and they are friendly bunch of people. This is really important especially for people who are new to web hosting and not to familiar with it. Whenever they meet with problems, they can ask them straight away.
Beginners need not send an email to them and wait for endless days for their reply and finally find that they are unable to understand what is written on the reply.
Lastly, the most important feature which everyone should be looking out for is high percentage of uptime. Hostgator is giving 99.9% uptime guarantee.
This is important as you do not want your readers or customers to click on your ads or links and only to find that there is an error message and leave your website. This is the worst nightmare which you can ever imagine.
For those who are running a campaign or trying to promote new products, you wouldn’t want to find that your web hosting company to be unstable and just go down any time.
For those who are interested in using Hostgator too, you can click here : Hostgator. They even allow monthly payment where you can stop anytime if you are not satisfied with their service. What’s more can I say ?
So the above are some of the things which I will look out for, what about you?
To Your Success
Wingcent Ning
Success-Biz Marketing
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