Friday, November 7, 2008

First Experience With Robert’s Philosophy

First Experience With Robert’s Philosophy

Let me just share my first experience being exposed to Robert’s wealth building philosophy.

The first book I read from Robert was “Retire Young Retire Rich”. I’ve heard of this guy before but had never read his book. Till one day ...

I was at this bookshop somewhere Takashimaya and the title caught my eye. Hmmm “Retire Young and Rich” ... that was what I have been wanting to do since my teenage years.

Well the book was both an eye-opener and a mind-opener ! I could not put the book down. I just wanted to devour page after pages of it. I couldn’t believe it. Why have I been so ignorant of these concepts for so long ...

You see, I have been brought up all along to think that I need to study hard and get a good job. For the longest time as I can remember, I have done just that. But I have always been searching for ways to become rich.

Now the main reason I wanted to become rich is not because I just want to live a life of luxury. That may come once you got it but my main motivation was that I found that a significant part of my life was spent at work ... working tireless and hoping that people will notice my work and give me a promotion. I loved my job and I enjoyed solving and being creative in it. But it is really taking me away from some of the things that I would like to accomplish in my life.

I have in fact been a slave to my job. I need a job to provide me with an income but I quickly found out that it was always a struggle to save enough money. I had some savings, but it seemed like it will be almost impossible before I will be able to say that I can live without having a job. Month after month you are just working so that you could pay off this expense or that expense and this cycle would presumably continue until your final days.

I questioned myself whether this is what life is all about.

Why does a job take up the majority of our waking lives ?
Are we living for a job or do we have a job to live ?

But it seemed that everyone is doing the same thing. We rush out of our house every morning and came back late at night, we worked on weekends sometimes and we always missed that important dates with our families. Isn’t this model upside down ?

Well indeed, that book was like a revelation. It answered a lot of the questions I have all along. And I will love to share some of the things in it that has transformed the way I look at life forever.

Stay tune to my next post ... live your life to the fullest ... !

To Your Success

Wingcent Ning
Success-Biz Marketing

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