Friday, November 28, 2008

Blogosphere Networking

Blogosphere Networking

Blogosphere Networking Blogging seems to be taking over the world, or at least everyone seems to be talking about blogs. However, there are a surprisingly large number of people who have no idea of blogs, blawgs, blogsphere, etc ...

Here are some questions that they will ask :

1. ) Are all blogs the same ?

NO. There are many types of blogs are there are different writers. I have categorized them into three types, but I am sure others would have arguments about these areas :

A - Corporate Blogs
These are hosted by companies to promote their products and services or to communicate with clients.

B - Philosophical / Content Blogs
In this type, an individual ( or group of individuals ) writes on a specific topic and shares their opinions with the readers. Topics can range from business to sports to politics to religion, etc ... For example : you may put the "Business Development" / "Networking" blog in this category.

C - Diaries
In these blogs, people record their daily experiences the way one would write in a diary. Some of these can be quite entertaining, as they allow the voyeur in each of us to look into someone else's private world. However, reader beware ... some of these can reveal a bit more than you want to read ( or see ).

2. ) Why I want to read blogs ?

Why reading blog ? These are a great way to discover information on any particular topic or variety of ideas. Many bloggers have very good sources of information and they certainly have opinions. As with any media source, you need to beware of the authors intent and ulterior motives. Also, blogs can just be interesting to read.

3. ) What have i learned from writing my own blog ?

"Blogs, blogging and the blogosphere" are the new new thing, and are not just a "fad". If people are not yet aware of blogs, they will be soon. More and more blogs are created every day and blogs will soon touch everyone who surf the internet. Having your own blog, however, is not for everyone. You must be committed to writing on a regular basis, and not shy about sharing your opinions. I have learned that a blog can go stale if you do not make posts on a regular basis.

I also learned that when you blog, you are actually networking. At first it seemed like this was one sided, until I began to hear from people who were regularly reading my blog. I have developed new friendships with many bloggers who write about similar topics. Often one blogger will email another with a compliment or suggestion, and they will begin to correspond regularly. Just like any other type of business friendship, the relationship grows over time. This blog-networking leads to mutual understanding and respect between the bloggers and then can lead to business relationships and referrals.

4. ) Should I start a blog ?

That is a question every person will have to answer for himself/herself. I would suggest you begin by reading other blogs and getting familiar with what is out there in blog-land. If you believe that you have something to say ... then by all means, start a blog. But remember to be patient and persistent. Like writing a book, it takes time and there is no guarantee that you will become widely read. However if you are dedicated, you will uncover many unexpected benefits from your blogging experience.

If you are interested in easily learning about blogs, I suggest you start by learning the basic on blogging and there are guides for you to create your own successful and even profitable blog, that was by one of my best internet blogging friend, John Yeo. His Blogger's PayCheck was the best collection of advice and guides to the experienced and novice blogger.

To Your Blogging Success

Wingcent Ning
Success-Biz Marketing

P.S. : To learn more about Blogging and create your own successful and profitable Blog, just visit Blogger's PayCheck for your Must Learn guide as the offer price was going to end soon. Get it first ...

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