Thursday, November 13, 2008

Are You Overwhelmed with Information ?

Are You Overwhelmed with Information ?

I know how it is.

You want to get started online, and you buy an ebook for $100. And it tells you one good way to do things ... You start following the plan, and then you get a little stuck with something. So you go online searching for more information, and you find another ebook that claims to have a better way of doing it.

So you buy that one – another $100. You read it from cover to cover, and find that there are some similarities, but that many of the steps – the actual methods of getting the job done – are significantly different.

Now you are confused. Which to go with ? You can’t really do both ? Or maybe you just try to figure out which parts are best from each one and do like a hybrid of the two ? The problem with that is you don’t have enough experience to know what to pick and choose.

So what do you do ? Buy another book to solve the differences ? Of course, that one will propose still another system.

Confusing, right ?

I want to clear up some of the confusion.

First, there are many ways to become successful online. There are probably 100 different ways to route your list building campaign. There are probably over 100 different step by step ways you can use just to get started online – and then 100s or 1000s of options after that.

For example, imagine these are my steps :

* Find a niche
* Build a web site
* Put a squeeze page on it
* Get an autoresponder
* Write an email campaign
* Write an ebook
* Send traffic to your site

Now, I could easily move them around, and get the same results :

* Build a web site
* Put a squeeze page on it
* Find a profitable niche
* Write an email campaign
* Get an autoresponder
* Send traffic to your site
* Write an ebook

How many different combinations could I come up with, just moving 7 steps around ? And really there are 30 or 40 steps when you get started. You can move those around in just about an infinite number of configurations. Is one better than the other ? Maybe, maybe not. But the important thing is that you do all the steps.

Now, you may be thinking, well, what about each of those steps, different people tell me different ways to do it.

Of course there are different ways to do each step.

Think about the sending traffic step. How many different kinds of traffic are there ? 100 ? 200 ? How many can any one person get good at ? I am only good at one. Another expert is good at one or two. What do you think we are going to write about ? The one we are good at. Mine works as well as his ( and vice versa ). But I am only an expert at one.

And that holds true for every other step in the process – there are multiple ways to do things – all of which work – but to make them work, you have to get good at ONE of them. Not all of them. Not dabble in each.

Don't mix up all the things you learn in different books.

So here’s your homework for the weekend.

Go to your harddrive and find one of those books you bought that you tried and it wasn’t perfect.

You didn’t understand everything, or you got stuck. Or you thought there was a better way. Look, your way might be better, but if you aren’t making more money than the person that write the book – you might as well do it there way first !

By this time. Stick with it. Follow through. If you get stuck – work through it. So what if it takes you a whole week to learn something.

I remember when I first started, I would spend an entire day or two trying to figure out how to do something.

And some of that cannot be done in a book – you just have to do the work to figure it out.

Now, get to work !

Stay tune for my next post, you may subscribe to my blog to receive my latest updates.

To Your Success

Wingcent Ning
Success-Biz Marketing

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